
Monday, August 17, 2009


Open Day 2009 was the best yet !! The Electrotechnology Department was brilliantly represented and the lighting by the "Maestro of Lumens", Paul Hawthorne, was fantastic. His lighting desk was admired and tinkered with by many a passing future electrician (and his dad!). This is another aspect of the electrical industry that you can look at. The industry, unlike all others, is full of different areas that you can study and work in. No other industry offers so much and is constantly evolving the way our electrical and electrotechnology ones are.

Literally, the sky's the limit. Just consider could not have reached the moon without electrical power. A world without an iPod or iPhone?


We showcased our new interactive learning materials with loads of audio visual content and look forward to having our new students gain their education in an enlightened fashion. Swinburne is going to be the leader in this regard and we have thrown out the textbooks in favour of a "cool" way of learning. Who said education wasn't fun ??

The video you can see above is of robots that have been choreographed using programmable controllers, the same ones that our students work with. Just think what you'll be able to do once you've learnt how to programme one.

The video below was taken in the Electrotechnology display room on Open Day. We had a lot of interest this year which shows that even on a day with high winds and rain, Swinburne attracts those who want to share in our future and that of our young generation.

Enjoy the videos and be kind to your mother.


1 comment:

  1. The world always has had and always will have electrical power.
